Nikhil Ken
Nationality: Indian
Host: University of Florence
Background: Nikhil has done an integrated Masters in Mathematics and computing from BIT Mesra and a Masters in Advanced Mathematics at the university of Barcelona. |
Master thesis: Classification of Artin Algebras Abstract: His thesis was on the classification of Artin algebras using the Macaulay’s inverse system. He started by introducing the Matlis duality and seeing the Macalay’s corresponce as a special case. Using the inverse system we translate the problem of classification of certain classes of Artin algebras with a certain Hilbert function into problems of linear algebras and also establish a geometrical relation between the isomorphism classes of these algebras and hypersurfaces on Pm. |
Research interests: commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, topology, representation theory, category theory, arithmetic geometry |
PhD goals: new results on the Hermitian Distance degree, on the real chambers, where it is constant, on the geometric measure of Entanglement. New applications to Qubit Spaces. |
Hobbies: chess, badminton , music |