Henri Breloer
Nationality: German
Host: UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Background: Henri did his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the University of Göttingen in Germany and spent an Erasmus semester abroad in Oslo. |
Master Thesis: Bounds for the number of singular points on cuspidal curves. Abstract: For an algebraic curve on a smooth projective surface with cusps as its only singularities, they find different bounds on the number of cusps dependent on the geometric genus of the curve and invariants of the surface. The proofs of these bounds are based on the logarithmic Bogomolov-Miyaoka-Yau inequality and different techniques are required dependent on the Kodaira dimension of the surface. Finally, they investigate how these techniques can be generalized to positive characteristic. |
Research interests lie in algebraic geometry and theoretical computer science. |
PhD goals in relation to his position in TENORS are to work on research projects and to meet young researchers from all over Europe. |
Hobby: hiking, mushroom picking and reading. |