DC12 – Jonas Britz

Jonas Britz

Nationality: German

Host: NWO-I

Background: Bachelor and Master degrees in Mathematics at the University of Cologne
Master thesis: SDP bounds for energy minimization in real projective spaces
Abstract: This master thesis investigates configurations in real projective space with regards to universal optimality. A configuration is called universally optimal if it minimizes the energy with regards to all completely monotonic potential functions. The minimal vectors of E_6 and its dual lattice are of particular interest, since numerical results by François Bachoc, Martin Ehler and Manuel Gräf seem to indicate universal optimality. This investigation is done by implementing the so called three point bound, developed by Henry Cohn and Jeechul Woo, which relies on semidefinite programming and is the best known bound in the vast majority of cases. The implementation relies on symmetrie reduction which was aplied to the similar three point bound for the kissing number by Fabrício Caluza Machado.
Research interests: Polynomial optimization, convex optimization and semidefinite programming
PhD Goals: Developing computionally efficient tests for determining whether specific quantum states are seperable or entangled. A first approach will be trying to apply the outer approximation of the cone of completely positive matrices to the more general cone of pairwise completely positive matrices.
Hobby: Playing the guitar and the piano, reading

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