DC9 – Oriol Reig

Oriol Reig

Nationality: Spanish

Host: University of Trento

Background: Double Bachelor Degree in Mathematics and Physics in Universitat de Barcelona, Master in Advanced Mathematics in Universitat de Barcelona.
Master thesis: Introduction to Berkovich spaces
Abstract: His master thesis is a bibliographic work on Berkovich’s theory of analytic spaces over non-Archimedean fields. Berkovich spaces, introduced by Vladimir Berkovich in 1990, are a non-Archimedean analog of complex analytic spaces and play a big role in p-adic geometry and number theory. The survey explores the topological and geometrical properties of the Berkovich spectrum of a commutative complete ring, the affine space and the more general spaces, focusing on the comparison with the theories of rigid analytic spaces and schemes.
Research interests: Algebraic Geometry, Computational Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra
PhD goals: Develop new methods and algorithms for Tensor Decomposition and implement them in Artificial Intelligence sectors.
Hobbies: chess and mountain sports.

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