
TENORS aims to form the next generation of researchers and engineers in scientific computing and data analysis, disrupting the current paradigms of tensor calculus by exploiting cutting-edge research in geometry and optimisation.The objective of TENORS is to conduct advanced research that addresses critical challenges in the field of tensor computation, and to feed an innovative and ambitious PhD program to train highly qualified young scientists in new scientific and technological knowledge

Project facts:

TENORS is funded under the HORIZON-MSCA-2023/
Doctoral Network/Joint Doctorate call
Grant agreement No: 101120296
Full title: Tensor modEliNg, geOmetRy & optimiSation
Granting authority: Research Executive Agency
Duration: 48 Months (01/2024 — 12/2027)

Project Coordinator: INRIA
Technical Coordinator: Bernard Mourrain (INRIA)
The network beneficiaries:
CNRS/LAAS, Toulouse France
University of Konstanz, Germany
Max Planck Institute, Germany
The Arctic University of Norway
University of Trento, Italy
University of Florence, Italy
NWO-I/CWI, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Czech Technical University in Prague
Institut of Photonic Science, Spain
Artelys SA, Paris, France

The associate partners:
Quandela, France
Cambridge Quantum Computing Limited, UK
BlueTensor, Italy
Université Côte d’Azur, France
University of Tilburg, the Netherlands
Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, France
Leipzig University, Germany
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain

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